Watercolor Technique Workshops:

Watercolor is a versatile and beautiful technique:

The strength point is to know how to juggle the freedom this technique provide.
The watercolor process involves diluting pigments with water and applying them in transparent washes or layered glazes to achieve a range of colors and tonal values, creating light and shadow shapes.
Watercolor paintings have a distinctive quality characterized by fluidity, transparency, and spontaneity. The interaction between water and pigments gives watercolor paintings a unique visual texture, as the paint can flow, bleed and create beautiful and unexpected effects. 
This technique allows people to feel free and step outside the box, giving art its nature of play, experiment and creativity.
During my day workshops you can learn how to use this technique and let yourself be free to experiment and take slow time for enjoy Art itself :)
Watercolor Tecnique


Watercolor Tecnique
